by Dr. Lawrence Wilson
© June 2019, LD Wilson Consultants, Inc.
information in this article is for educational purposes only. It is not for the diagnosis, treatment,
prescription or cure of any disease or health condition.
article is about the benefits of near infrared energy. It discusses a few additional benefits
that are not discussed in the article entitled Sauna
Therapy on this site.
following was taken from the SaunaLite website, This website
sells heat boxes that are basically just infrared heat lamps that one shines on
oneself during exercise workouts.
Please note that
they use halogen infrared lamps, which we do not suggest for the sauna. The reason we do not recommend them for
saunas is their spectrum is a little different. We prefer using reddish incandescent heat lamps sold at the
hardware store.
has run studies and documented scientifically the results that can occur from
near infrared heat lamp exposure.
These and future studies may help us to understand the effects of the
near infrared radiation that is emitted by the reddish heat lamps. Below is a part of one of their web pages
concerning the extra benefits of near infrared exposure during exercise
routines. The benefits that have
been researched include:
METABOLISM – The mitochondria (power plants
of the cells) produce more ATP (energy currency of the cells) when NIR (near
infrared rays) is introduced. (1,2)
BODY FAT – A group of 20 women riding
stationary bicycles 3 times per week for 4 weeks exposed to NIR lost an average
of 8 cm’s or 444% more as compared to 20 women doing the same exercise without
NIR. (3)
ENERGY – NIR activates the color sensitive chemicals (chromophores & cytochrome
systems) to depths of 23 centimeters (or about 10 inches), stimulating the
energy processes in cells. (1)
of nitric oxide. This stimulates
vasodilatation of the microcirculatory system, bringing more blood to the
muscles. (4)
ENDURANCE – Muscle fatigue was reduced by
up to 42.2% when exposing muscle to NIR. (5,6)
STRENGTH – Growth hormone release is
induced by an increase in body temperature and not by exercise itself. Growth hormone increases muscle mass,
calcium retention, and lipolysis (the breakdown of
stored fat). (14)
RECOVERY TIME – Certain tissue regenerating
genes including integrins, laminin,
gap junction proteins and kinesin proteins have shown
a two- to five-fold increase upon exposure to NIR. (7,8)
IN LESS TIME – Due to increased production of
ATP and quick dilation of the microcirculatory system, a person can lessen
warm-up time and work at a higher level of exertion without increasing blood
pressure. (1,9,10)
THE BODY - Increased blood circulation
stimulates the sweat glands, releasing built-up toxins and waste. Sweat is the only
way to remove certain carcinogenic PCBs, dioxins, phthalates, and volatile
organic hydrocarbons. (11)
VISIBLE CELLULITE - Cellulite is fat mixed with toxins
that are trapped, in part due to an underactive circulatory system. Cellulite is so visible, in part due to
weakened connective tissue. NIR
helps rebuild connective tissue and has been shown to reduce cellulite. (12)
SKIN - DNA Synthesis of fibroblasts, which affects the
elasticity of skin, increase five-fold with NIR. The result is younger-looking, more beautiful skin. (1,7)
- Penetrating heat from NIR has long been proven to reduce pain and increase
circulation to areas of discomfort.
NIR has also been shown to significantly increase the range of
flexibility. (13)
1. Whelan H.T., Buchmann, E.V., et al, NASA Light-Emitting Diode Medical
Applications From Deep Space to Deep Sea
2. Wong-Riley M.T.,
Bai, X., et al, Light-Emitting Diode Treatment
Reversed the Effect of TTX on Cytochrome Oxidase in Neurons
3. Mockel F., Hoffmann G., et al Einfulss
von Wassergefiltertem Infrator
A auf die Reduktion von Lokalem
Fett und Korpergewicht unter Korperlicher Belastung
4. Gilligan D.M., Panza J.M., et al, Contribution of Endothelium-derived
Nitric Oxide to Exercise-Induced Vasodilation
5. Lopes-Martins
R.A., Marcos R.L., et al, Effect of Low Level Laser on Skeletal Muscle Fatigue
Induced by Electrical Stimulation in Rats
6. Abou-Hala A.Z, Barbosa D.G., et
al, Effects of the Infrared Lamp Illumination during the Process of Muscle
Fatigue in Rats
7. Wong-Riley M.T.,
Whelan H.T., Effect of 670-nm Light Emitting Diode Light on Neuronal Cultures
8. Buchmann E.V., Dhokalia A., et
al, Effect of NASA Light-Emitting Diode Irradiation of Molecular Changes for
Wound Healing in Diabetic Mice
9. Savard, G.K., Nielsen B., et al, Muscle Blood Flow is not
reduced in Humans during Moderate Exercise and Heat Stress
10. Hannuksela M.L., Ellahham S.,
Benefits and Risks of Sauna Bathing
11. Rogers S.,
Reversing the Neuro-degeneration from Ubiquitous
Environmental Endocrine Disruptors
12. Alster T.S., Tanzi E.L., Cosmetic
Laser Therapy
13. Demura S., Noguchi T., and Matsuzawa J., Effect
of Linear Polarized Near-infrared Irradiation on Flexibility of Shoulder and
Ankle Joints
14. Christensen
S.E., Jørgensen O.L., et al, Characterization of
Growth Hormone Release in Response to External Heating